Nosso barco ficou ancorado na praia grande, onde foi nosso luau e quando acordamos, pudemos tomar nosso último café da manhã no barco e aproveitar a praia. Alguns tomaram sol nas areias, outros fugiram dele debaixo das sombras das árvores. Muitos também aproveitam para entrar mais uma vez nas águas do rio Negro e se refrescar, conversando ou jogando vôlei.
Our boat anchored on the beach where we had our lual and when we woke up we could have our last breakfast on board and enjoy the beach. Some sun bathed on the sand, other went to seek shelter in the shadow of the threes. Many also took the opportunity to get into the Negro River waters again and refresh themselves, talking of playing volleyball.

Alguns meninos se divertiram jogando futebol. Foi um cenário maravilhoso para o fim de nossa viagem, todos confraternizando.
Some boys had fun playing soccer. It was a beautiful scenery for the end of out trip, everybody getting together.

No fim da manhã, voltamos ao barco para começar as arrumações de malas e para almoçar. Após o almoço, todos se juntaram em um barco só e partimos rumo a Manaus, foram duas horas que aproveitamos para ficar com nossa família, conversando, brincando, cantando. Chegando lá, fomos ao shopping e tivemos tempo livre até as 22h, quando começamos a despedir do nosso querido coordenador Ron que ia ficar em Manaus para a próxima viagem e partimos para o aeroporto. Foram muitas despedidas, tristes, mas mostrando que a viagem, que esses 10 dias valeram a pena! E que muitas memórias, momentos e amizades serão para sempre.
In the late morning we went back to the boat to begin packing and have lunch. After lunch everyone got into one boat and we headed to Manaus, for two hours that we took to stay with our family talking, playing and singing. When we got there we went to a mall and had free time until 10pm, when we had to say bye to our dear coordinator Ron that was going to stay in Manaus for the next trip, and went to the airport. There we many goodbyes, sadness, but it showed that the 10 day trip was worth it! And that many memories, moments and friendships will be forever.
Our boat anchored on the beach where we had our lual and when we woke up we could have our last breakfast on board and enjoy the beach. Some sun bathed on the sand, other went to seek shelter in the shadow of the threes. Many also took the opportunity to get into the Negro River waters again and refresh themselves, talking of playing volleyball.

Alguns meninos se divertiram jogando futebol. Foi um cenário maravilhoso para o fim de nossa viagem, todos confraternizando.
Some boys had fun playing soccer. It was a beautiful scenery for the end of out trip, everybody getting together.

No fim da manhã, voltamos ao barco para começar as arrumações de malas e para almoçar. Após o almoço, todos se juntaram em um barco só e partimos rumo a Manaus, foram duas horas que aproveitamos para ficar com nossa família, conversando, brincando, cantando. Chegando lá, fomos ao shopping e tivemos tempo livre até as 22h, quando começamos a despedir do nosso querido coordenador Ron que ia ficar em Manaus para a próxima viagem e partimos para o aeroporto. Foram muitas despedidas, tristes, mas mostrando que a viagem, que esses 10 dias valeram a pena! E que muitas memórias, momentos e amizades serão para sempre.
In the late morning we went back to the boat to begin packing and have lunch. After lunch everyone got into one boat and we headed to Manaus, for two hours that we took to stay with our family talking, playing and singing. When we got there we went to a mall and had free time until 10pm, when we had to say bye to our dear coordinator Ron that was going to stay in Manaus for the next trip, and went to the airport. There we many goodbyes, sadness, but it showed that the 10 day trip was worth it! And that many memories, moments and friendships will be forever.